Tip #1 - Need to edit the text of a pdf document? Simply upload the PDF to your Drive, then right-click on it and select "Open In" and "Google Docs." You will get a new Doc with t…
I have to admit, this one is pretty cool. Check out the video linked below to see how to use "Talk and Comment," a Google Chrome extension that let's you instantly record and share voi…
Today's tip is something I just realized myself, and was pretty impressed by. You can insert some really nicely designed and customized diagrams right into Slides by selecting "Insert"…
OK, this is a big one. I am constantly being asked how to better manage and organize an overcrowded, messy Google Drive - both by teachers and students! So I put together a video outlining the top…
This tip comes directly from a request from multiple teachers. It's especially relevant for those of who teach semester or quarter courses and have new rosters every few months. There have been …
With the help of these simple, little tricks, you can find some really high-quality images through a simple Google Search. These images can then be easily embedded into a Doc or Slides presentation …
Have you ever struggled to locate a specific file in your Drive? Did you know that you can access a whole collection of advanced search options which will help you to find that one document or form …
It's easy to embed YouTube Videos (or other videos saved in your Drive) into a Google Slide. You can even control when the video clip starts and ends, whether it autoplays, and whether the audio…