
Showing posts from January, 2018

Google Docs - Managing Multiple Draft Assignments

Google Docs offers a powerful revision history tool, however it can be a bit overwhelming to see each and every change that was made to a document over time. In the video linked below, I show how yo…

Google Docs - Styling Paragraphs

Have you ever wanted to make a particular paragraph within a Google Doc really stand out from the rest of the text? Whether it is a set of instructions for students, a powerful quote, a key idea or …

Google Docs - Leave Voice Comments

Instead of typing endless comments on your students' work, try leaving them voice notes. You can use the "Read & Write for Google" extension in Chrome to quickly and easily leave v…

Columns in Docs, Shadows in Slides

Today is a 2 for 1! It's now easy to add columns to your text in Google Docs, simply select the text, click on "Format" and then "Columns." You can choose the number of column…

Google Classroom - Using the "Add To Classroom" Chrome Extension

You can quickly and easily share links to webpages, videos, articles, and more using the "Add To Classroom" Google Chrome Extension. Simply install the extension using the link below (if y…

Google Slides - Make Your Presentations Prettier

There is nothing worse than sitting through a boring lecture, except sitting through a boring lecture accompanied by ugly slides. This is one of my pet peeves - poorly though out, illogical, overcrow…

Google Slides - View All Slides at Once

Have you ever wanted to view all of the slides in a Google Slides presentation at once, instead of having to scroll through them? It's easy - simply click on "View," then select "G…

Google Docs - Insert a Snapshot

Today's tip is for people using Chromebooks, MacBooks, or other laptops or desktops that have a webcam. You can quickly and easily insert a snapshot, taken with that webcam, into your Doc or Sli…

Google Drive - Search Images by Description

This one is pretty amazing...You can search for photos or other image files in your Drive by simply describing the contents of the photo. For example, you can type in the word "baby", and …

Google Drive - Utilizing Quick Access

Try using Google Drive's Quick Access feature, which cuts down the time it takes to get to the right file by eliminating the need to search for it. It uses machine learning to intelligently pred…

Google Drive - Changing the Color of a Folder

Your Google Drive can become a disorganized mess really quickly! It's always a good idea to take some time, maybe once a week, and get it organized. Move files into folders to group content by u…

New Google Calendar

For the Google Calendar users out there, a major update is now available. The all new Google Calendar features a complete redesign from top to bottom, with a sleek look that displays perfectly on a…